Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 March 1873 — The American Feeling. [ARTICLE]

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The American Feeling.

The Minisfor for Foreign Affairs in his discuseion of "Our (his) Foreign Policy M 6peaks of 44 the encroadiitfg spirit of tlioso who un4ertook to give the Awerican feeling to this country." The American feeling! What ia it, that its reception should*be oflensivc; 01* an encroachment upon native Ilawaiian sentiiiieiit? Was it thc eending of the missionaries, Thurston aud Cotnpany, with a niHlion or morc of dollars : to aid them in doing goqd? It ean hardly be Miat tliere was an} 7 alarming encroachment in i\m, The King of the Hawaiians says no ; —he says it was the teaiclnngB" of theee men,whieh haveenahled you to hv. what yon are to-day."

| 0)i! it'may liave sprung iVom tbe iiarrly Amei'i-' j ean wluikmen, battling in frozen Beaß for thcīr | i mighty gamo, and leaving a 'goodly toll of a!l j their toil in tbis port and land: but tliiß \vas j hardly an encroaehment to give offteoße, becauf?e | it alone f?erved to grease the gov£rnmental maj chinery of the past, and furnißhed tlie oil to eonsecrate the anointed ones who lately filled the| ] throne, It niust be then in the newepaperg,l Bteamships, clippers, and money 6pending trav-1 elers lrom the continent, wliere we areto find that| Amerscan feeling that is encroaching so o&ensively upon this unhappy country. Ilowever» boat-boys ! who are plying a lively oar in consequence; and stout 6tevedores f sweating and pocketing an in<n*ease of dollars, and the. llotel man, who isas! busy as a thief in a mill, and the horse-boys,and everybody else, who wānts to make a dollar, and to hear something lively atid all eay let us have more American customers and A mei iean fceling. Theu what is the kind of American feeling, that the Minister deprecates? īt some despicable picayunish lbeling, that has crept into this Covernment, anel whieh is a disgrace to the magnanimity and liberality of tlic Ameriean character. The ifeeiing that will chafler about live cents in the shaving of 12 per ceiit. The feeling that will eeonomize on stale heel taps of small beer. That will dicker with tradesmen and woi-kman with a mean cheese paring parsiiiionyV And that will attempt to carry on this Government with the economies of an old clothes pawn- ; that is the feeling, unfortunately reprej sented by an American, the encroachment of whieh is derogatory to the honor of the Sovereign, ! and to the best intcrests of this Arcbipelago.