Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 March 1873 — (Written for the Nuhou.) Night on board the "Benicia," Honolulu Harbor. [ARTICLE]
(Written for the Nuhou.)
Night on board the "Benicia," Honolulu Harbor.
i. ? ' v Our cvcni»g ljiig]es «wi-ctly ]>lay, . . On )iK)onlit .\vaves w)iero azure skie.s Are ißiaged on the gentle hay, An<l sha(lo\vs ilanee of angels eyes ; . A'gauze like veil of..sitvery cloucfs, ■ ' Th<; iihaUo\vy mouiitaius !ir<»\v enshroud«, 2. "V ~ ' The incense breathing trade \vind I>rīngs, A fragrau-t o<loivl'roin the tlowers, T!irou£h rustlīng pahu leaves tyuavering sings, <pr wiūspers ltii'ougli banana t»osvers ; Aml ceaseless as the step of tiine, The opal \vaves beat liqnid chtme. 3. . ~ ~ A ehanl oi' maidens from the sliore, Melts dream-like o'er the mello\vsea. Scatxe broken by the (lripi>ing oar, That cuts the \vaters fla»hing free, While )ife-mDrn memories;tti'rllling wake, That hues c-f love's encliantment take. r .;■ ;. V: ' .... : ■ : ■■■ , ■. ■ 4. : \Vhere wavecVour flag o ? er 'freedom ;, ā honie, UiisuHie(i as these tropic skies j Ere 1 hail plouglied the salt sea foam, And liope saw only through Love'i» eyes^; For all of life was ro»e-hued then, Ailow£ry.Avalk' thrqugli fairy glen. .■■■ ■' . ; 5. , v v > . The evening gun peals o'er the / The ljugle's eall invites to ivs!, ' liut ean the soul's ideals :sleep, Among these Islamls of ihe IJlest, Wheie heaven seems the earth to kis^ In tropic love 'mid scenes of b)iss v ' ~~ T P - '■ / : -'V- " . •■■ ■ • ' . ■ '6.; ■. ■ .: ' No wonder fchat the natives sighed, In their vague \vanderings aficr truth v For living springs far o'er the tide, ~ y V\'hose \yaters gave immonal youth f For who that visits this briglit shore, \Vould ever \vish to leaye it more : . 7.. • i: ;■ } Tis i\iirer than Calypso's Isle, Oreen nestjing in the western seas, And raund me bright eyed sea nymphs smile, . Who would detain their Ulys3es But duty knows not love *, instead. I hear the sentries'measured tread "? We are 6orry to eay in the way of eritieism of' this pretty poem, that there is no bugle on board thc Benicia % or the otlier Ameriean ship of war in port 3 whieh should be ; as Ameriea ehould ever speak with a elear elai'ion voice throughout the Pacifie \yaters. But ehe has other voicee, especially ttie one before our readers, a sweet toned ,DUBStrel wlio no doubt "ean speak with thc hoai-ee throat of' war as well as in the tones of lbving . . o rev6ry and contemplation s for the " brave are ever the tender hearted," The bu£le .belon£s to _the gallant Scout. Let us hear yuur evening bugle; oh, beloved Bcnicia, and you nbble Ca!ifornia too.