Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 March 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Anotiter Undesirable Trip.-—The schoohcr Qdd Eellow on hor rcccnt trip. from Hilo, fell in \vith the sloop Live Yankee on Saturday last, froxn whom ehe obtained a supply of provisions, having been out of food for forty-eighfc hours» EĒP If anybody wants to send honie a good ltkenees of King Lunalilo, tilong with fche Nuhou, let him eall on Thrum. This portraitj the best yet taken of fche King, costs alone $1.00; butyou get it, and a history of thc late clection for King, and five numbers of the Nuiiou, for See adverfcisemcnt. The Reading Roo]tf afc the Home, under the auspiceB of the Young Men's Christian Association, furniehes pens, ink and paper to seamcn. isfcrangers and others desiring to write to their friends in other lands, and if unable to pav postage on tHe same, they are forwarded by the Assoeiafcion to their destīnafcion, Thisin a measure takes the oecupied by similar Y. M. C, A's. in many ōf the cities of the Unitcd States, where any letfers detained in the Post Office for want of sufficient posfcage,are sfcampēd by them and senfc on, GAEUG.~It is said thafc a knowlcdgc of the language of Ossian is nēcessary to qual 1 fy a man to work 011 the G6vernment ? and in that case there is an excellent opening in this 'iown for a professor of the ancient fconguc of the land o' eakea." As there are about 35 anxious studcnts wishful to talk Gaul, and have a haul on puhlie works. The Professor would be o<jnfcciit wilh a porfcion of their pay for anything he mighfc have fco say— •• u wha liae wi Wallaee bicU. ,! British harlc Lightfoot, lies stcrn on at Tibbefcis & Sorenson"s wharf, awaiting orders. Schooner Pauahi," lies at Brewer & Co.'s wharf 5 awaiting orders. Bark D. C. Murray, at the ēame wharf, is re€eiving ireighfc for San Francisco ; time of departure unccrtain. Bark Ka Moi, adjoining the steamers wharf, is loading as rapidly as tlic weafcher will allow for the same port, to get ofT as early as possible. Bark Kale has taken berfch afc Robinson's wharf. Steamer Nebraska, lies at licr wharf, awaiting the arrival of the Moses iaylor. , . Schōoncr- Nefcfcie Merrill, afc Brewer & Co/s wharf, will. leavc this affccrnoon for Lahaina, vveather permitfcing, - Schooner Juanita, āfc Tibbefcts & wharf, will probably get off fco-day fcr Koolau. Scbooner John Young, lies at thc old Custom llouse wharf, and will sail shortly for Waialua. Sloop Live Yankee, at fche old lee llouse wharf, will return to-day to,llana, weather permitfcing. Schooner Odd Fellow is discharging into the bark Ka Moi, and will then take berth at fche Esplanade, and \vill probably gefc oā' fco-morrow for Ililo. Schooner Mary Foste is discharging infco the bark 0. C. Murray. Schooners Moi Keiki and Kalania, brigs Morning Sfcar and Onward, and bark Edwin are moorcd, avvaifcing orders. Keteh Lunalilo haa haulcd to thc old Cusfcom llouse wharf t to take in supplies for Starbuck lsland, and expeets to gefc ofl'fco-morrow. , A Q.UKKV fok Tl;mpi.AKS.—' >ccl ' drank hi townr\voukl it impvovc ihe mor-a!e of! tf'e eommuni? v ? - I
Schooner Uilama is discharging at the wime f \vharf, and wHI-l3e ready to sail again for' Kona and Kau to-morrow. Steamer Kilauea, at her wliarr, was detaincd ; yestcrday on.aceount of the heavy rain, l>ut wili leav.e thīs afternoon for Ililo and way portB. -Schooner Waiola is hove out at the old Cuetom Houee wharf. Schooner Liliu at the old Ice-housc wharf, will ieave to-day for « Schoonēr Mary Fqster takes a berth at the Es-1 plariade front. I