Nuhou, Volume I, Number 5, 11 March 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]

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Spirit of the Press.

The Ad.-vertiser Bays that inasmucb as we haye got jSomething oufc of the Ministers, we oug}it not to " look a. giffc hoTse in the mouth/' It goes qii to that there is lacking in thc Ministerial utter€|nee, £t - the magnetic| inilaenee wni to and etrong faith ip aeeomplhhmeni, /whieh is bptrayed in the repeated use of words of mipgiv|ng and doubt." And coneludes, 4i Let us not fbrget thafc a ibrmer attempt to seeure was mainlj defeated by inSuenees at w ork amoii e ourselves." (In fche Cabinet.)

Errata.—ln our No. 4, īn the artiele " -Mur Foreign Poliej t M | in the Jalt line but two, fchejword ** preeipitably; - ought to be pn-apiiaie-/3/. | Thc faulfc of our proof-reading. Wo do 1101 lntend to be the pains hereafter io be xtofcieing our bad $peilmg„ we merely wi?>h to etatte thafc we (one individual in this ease) ha\e to do a great deal of writing for a &emi-\\eckly papter, and to eorreet our own p>roof, erroit, as m the|besfc of rcguhted famiiics, will slip in, ibr whi!ch we ask indulgei|ee. llowever f if a Bchōol-boy, fresh from t\)c j?peller and §rauima}\ eatche§ us napping, aiul t\vUs us good naturedly, m w intend to do other6, whenever \yo !a ehanee, all right. Notie| our short artiele - \Vhat docsi Ilis Majesty thmk';—the "wouW re<iuire" ought to be \

Somc pcoji!c tsi3' ;tb;u it is aark-liaiioa \\v uici| tliat iiian'i KViitst|, l>ut tl. c old t,v u i* tliC liglit-kadcel