Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — Weleome Home! [ARTICLE]

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Weleome Home!

When His Majestj i|Cturned froui the trip llllp, lie was pleasod and surprised, ou euterUig thO|priYate rcsidouee of ( Haimoeipo, fo obserYe a beajutiful lloml areh at |lie main eutrauee in frojit of the Yerandah, xuade |up of masses of jasxnui5 f astj?Tß and other |and odorous tlooms t tlte wp|'k of thoughtful t k>Ying Iriend*. Thotop'of the arch,about niue ft»et hi&h, fiurmount<\l by a fae of tjie lla\Yaiian Crown, over whieh Hawailan 9ags were erossed. The oyer a foot iu wullh, \yere solid mass of/beautiful aiul fraganl blobteome. Gdzau speaks of it as rf means a jserYiee to llie countrj, TVe ahould pj it \\aa a o2erii\g to n beJovecl King. j 4 i