Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — The Band Again. [ARTICLE]

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The Band Again.

| We want thas Band, we are melancholy wlthout it, we want it to celehrate the event that we have made the ministry speak4}ut, We pray the Adjutant-General to squeeze some mueie out of the milftary chest: The Nuiiou wiil be better t«mpered, if from our 6anctum in Herbert's Palaee, we ean occasionally hear, the sweet and lively strains we were wont to listen to, coming from the Barracks, or from Emma Square e We won't be so heavy on 12 per cent., and we will pay it without grumbling whenever we get any money. That Band'B Bprightly lUt of melody will make us all a band of brothers in time. If Berger with his batpn ean get such muslc out of 44 high what may he not get out of high dfeicialB? Oh, " music hath charms,'' and inclines us noi only to other charms, but to try to heeome charimng oure#elves. Every man feels his best at a pleasant muskal parade, with sucii a band as we have, whieh is the very best # and brightjest institution eonneeleel with llio goYernment. It improves oue*s feelings and one's gait to march arouhd Ēmma Square on muBical days, but we intend to invej?t in a plug horse, a |kdford cord tights 4 and join the boys in pranclng before elulriots with <air burthens, wheuever that glorious band revivcs. Ever of tbee, 1*1:11 fbudly dreuinnig»^ An UnUsbsikabilk Trip.—The schooner ou her last trip from Koloa, had one of thoee unenviable paesages of Cve days, during whieh time they raii out of provisLOiis and bore 'lhe pauge of hunger for thirty-six hours.