Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — Along the Wharves. [ARTICLE]

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Along the Wharves.

BritiBh bark Lightfvot lieg Btern on Tibbetts & Sorenson's whārf, a"waiting orders. Schooner Pauahi has hauled in to Brewer & Qo. 7 b whayf and is awa-iting ordere. Bark D. C, Murray, at Brewer & Co,'s wharf, is reeeiving freighfc for San Franei6CO, to eail. about Wednesday cext. Bark Ka Moi y ?it the steamers wharf, is loading as rapidly as weather will allow for the same port, and may possibly get awaj to-morrow. ' Schooner Daiintjes$ 9 lies a,t the extreme end of the Esplanade, has stepped her new masts, aM is beiilg fitted with new rigging. Schooner Manuokawai liae hauled to the Esplanade front, and is being bvorhauled Schooner Fairy Queen, lies at Robinson's wharf, is receiving freight for Hanalei, and will saii this aftemoon, Ketch Lunalilo haa hauled from the wharf, and like the Moi Keiki, Mor?ūng Siar, Kalama and Onward> are awaiting 6rders.