Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
, TUURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1873, -■JVe have to nute again a regime of quiet in huainee» circleB SiQce our last we leam ol noth!ng to note saye the usual regu--lar auction sales } and the indicatioDs are quite apparent that they, too, feel the effects of duil tim€s. . Our domesfio produce comes}xi bnt 8)owly ? owing to the iiiferrupt|on siiU inlhe coasting trad-e on aocount of tiie weather« By the last steamer frorn lll'o we learu that over 5,000 kegs of sugar are awaitiog shipinent from the several plantations fhere, and plantation« at other poiuts doubtles-ā Bii(fer in like raannēr, in a lesser degree. The bark« Ka Moi apd D. C." Murray are both loading for Ban the former to get off, possibly, on Saturday next, and the latter about the rniddle of next week. Owing to the extreme low rate ruling on the coast for our producej there is llttle inducement to make shiprDents e We look sliortly for the arrival of the steamer Nebraska irom Auckland. The steamer Moses Tayīor ean not belooked for earlier than the latter part of next week.