Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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| AT THĒ CORNER STdRĒ | WILL I> 13 FOUNI) A Choice Asst. of Gentlemen's Wear ! JUSr KJi)CKIVED EX . IvA MOI AIS T> I>. C\ 3HUllltA>V, , : i UNPHRSHIRTBrIVND I>RAWEitH, ALL GRADES. ! Neek Xiea, &\)cks and Suspenders, superior to auy in the couutry, a liue line of Oeallemen'a . A Full Assortment of Boots aud Shoes! | White Jjinen Suits, Whiie Ball Vests* Gloves, | A fine nssortment t>f Hemmed IlHn(lkerchiefSj hoth ! whUe and colored border. ! A tine new lot of White SoekB, something new. | A Lot oi IVcelv Bcarls I j ITmbrellas in Silk, lUilian, Cloth t Alpaeea and. Cotton; ] " A few large gi7,e whalehoneX T mt>reUag', | <30LI> AND I'LAIKI) SLEEVE B U XTOM AMKKK \ Sleeve Buttons, Botie utjd Ivory Steeve Buttons, ! A NEW LOT 0F PAIVAMi HATS,I Ca«s. Hat», | Shirts of Būperior qua!ity, ! from 13 to 20 inches neek ; rnilērshlrU from 30 to 44 inehes ; 5 Boots and Shoes from No. 5 to ¥S; Tmnks, VaHaes aml, Carpetßag?<. v [ GOSXĒt,L>' AXD CMKS,\ SoapB, and llair Oi!s, Evcrythīng in Brushes, the bt i st Shoe Bm«h iu ■v ! N town. Great B|vrgains ui Socka, IN FACT KVERytUING FOUNJ> IN ALL WELL APPOINf ED FUr|n 18111X0 OOODS STOIUC j Cail and īio ta SUaw Goads «j M. Mc!NERNY.