Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 Malaki 1873 — His Majesty's Speech at Hilo. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

His Majesty's Speech at Hilo.

Oii the oecasion of the royal ofierings, tlie huokupii, of ,the natiye pepple to tlie King at Ililo» lliB JMajesty addreesed them in words that muBt cotQmend him to a]l infelligent thinkers, as vi wise ? thoughtlul and ruler. We givd the speech as we find it ii tlic Gaz€tte. W e eall attentioii to die views in respeet io the plaeing of intelligent ijatives in the Cabinei,, whicji we diseuss in leading artiele, anu whieh was Avritten hefore we sa\v this speeeh ; a Ttf all -present I tCHder uloUa. Thi* day, <m whieh yOu are sīathevcd to pavk jour to me, 1 wH! remeutbcv ttie day t»f my tle;tth. (Ctiet?:rs.) 1 aui liUoil ,with lovc Tor*you aU. feliq\v dtikeus who huv< eome |herc ou t.hU <?cca«ioa t fbr IUI thti'i>coplo % heeauie l>v vour iiiuinunous eheleo, I ha v< hoeii mad-j ycui a vouii soyeHistn to-reig» over l you, aud to ntl thc very oihee \vltitih 1 uow oocupy. \,Checrs.) Vcu urc ivirent* t me. mā \*w\\\ be your Fail>er. (Tromaidous Formerly. m the days of our auecstois, vou wcrc u< i pennihoi! io anproaoh (liom ttycy and you weie kcpt ; but n|)w we mect :jud togcther. (Clieers.) I urgv youuU u» preservc iu the rifijit, to fors;vke thc iguoraut wa\> of Mieiohleu t\nu\ Tliere is But one God, whoui it is our dut v to oliey Let us iorsake ever) l>iua of idQhUiy. "In ihe yoar ISUd, Rev. , iiiu&luun, Thumou aiuj other« 041110 to thesc I>lau<ls proclauued the \vord ef Gcil. It is their teaehui£s whieh Uave cjiaWed you to be what *you are to«day. Now thcy have 41 gouc to lUai. spirit hiutl, aud ouly >lr*. Thurston i\naaius. Wo ;ue gre;Uiy iudcbted ta Uieni. (Cheers.) There are alsf» us hcre to kovs. Coan nnd I.yinau) 01l ar.d grcy haircvi laihcrs. whese exnnH>les we should ondcavor to inutatc, aud ol>cy Ihek te;uinn-s. . , , "1 am to stv the ycunj: men of tlio i>reseut lime s° well iustrucleii iu kuuw lod£c — »ouic oi' tūcui at*r yonr ehi|dreu. scareli oi' wUdoiu awl in habita ol inorali(y. Do uot be mdokui, vCUeers.> Thf»se wbo ha\o hard ai h tcr aud goovl ehai: - acter.are the oties who dcscrvc aud shall reecive pluoo* of trum licrealtci undcc the i% Kv the j»roscnt lime 1 have !bur foreiguers my nūausteruii aUv»ers., IJut it\ these yocui£ uku iiow aiauuiiuL bck re me, āijd nniler this flag, iheie arc auy who sUail 4ualiiy ihcuv T selves|to 111l these uositioas* tl;cii I WiU s>elect Uieiu U> illl tiu^ii' placcg, (Lougl cheers,) AloUa u> you all v ' This is a .tvaiisl^tiou, ulh! must no.t l>o rogju\lovi a> a ot»nvcl «wuiiiple uf l.he i,hr: K\ugua^. < \ :