Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — Letters. [ARTICLE]
Wei will not i>ublish any urik~~s ai-:; in£orrn«t|i ot tho real name of ihe \vjriu-r. ' Editor Nuiiou :—I belijeve fche law is tluit av.v theatre, cireus, or o.ther public exhibitiou, a! whieh admissioii is bj tlie pajmeut uf must bo licensed.| Tbis is all right, but here is a ease whieh ī you will agree with me w;as not contemplated by the law makers, ane! is therefore an unjustiflalj)le stretch of authoritj by ti>e Minister of the Interij)r. A gentlemai) wished to give a party to hie friendē, and the ex-, peus9 being high, it was proposed to issue ticket« of admiBsion whieh thosp in?ited tp the partj were to pay for. At tbe j[nterior Department, it, was decided that the giyer of the partj under thesei circumetances must pay a license fee of $10. Seeing that the aftair not for the purpose of mating money, like some'of the etc., for whieh ticket« were of!erect for sale eYerywhere 4 it strikfes rae as rather sharp praetice to exact a llcensd fee of teii dollare in this instaoce —a sor: of straining at a gna't and ewpllowiig a eamel. Will, our i)ew official brooms gp on and sweep up al r crumbs df this description? Tekpsichork. [Yks, economy is 1 - our Deuteronomy, anu substituted in t!Te plsece4f,autonomy, Ihal'e. aīL —33*>. Nuiiou.] ' As we are crowiied, we conden6e a few remarks of ?! : that there are in Ho~ nolulu numbers of skilled foreign of . 15 to 25 years residence; some with native famiīies; who are overlooked ,in the empioyment uf, labor on Public Works, and are passed by for re~ cent £.rrivals, and #ven men of less skill. If there be ground for this statement, it should not bc. Men who have planted their etake liere for lifc; and wlio are enmpeteat should have a preference, See our arfcicle, tfc SrANDißo.\i U^oek."