Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 Malaki 1873 — What does His Majesty think? [ARTICLE]
What does His Majesty think?
In all tlic official twiuldle of the Gazcltc on tbc r>th, we see 110 rcferencc to the Sovereign of the Coantrj, except in the prelimiuary retnartt?, whjch accompany eertain " Olieial Corresppi)donce, ,v \vherein it ie said that " llis Maje6ty anu hk Cabiivet are far from indifterent to the uiaterial prospenty of kis Rubjedts. ,, This phrascology W(sld require the posfeessive pronoun thcir iiiBtead of his. We would have, 44 llis Majesty is far from indifferent to the- material prosperity of his $übjects, and Cabinet (or Ooveruioeut) are deterinined tojustaia Ilk Majesty's patriotic views ; " Thc Cabinet iiiuM go to eehool, but in the nieanwhile the Nuiiou wiii give le6t>ons in gramtuar aiul statesmanship.