Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]
Spirit of the Press.
The Gazette< of Wednesday, is confitied to Ministerial discuBsions ofOm Foreigu whieh we notice in separate articles. - The " Hawaiian Church Monthly," a successor, ot rather a aupplemeiU to the Honolulu Magazine, is publishe(f by Bishop Willis. In the MarclV number, we notiee " The Seasons 6f the Church,' 1 Sonthiern Cali{brnia, ,? and an able article of good points by R(5f7T. K. Beecher: Wliat a ean say of the Pr6testant Ēpieeopal Church." The Punahoii speaking of the Nunoi-, says its artieles are good, and Biustly original. r * Bless yoiv, boys, ihey are all origmal, eyeiy line. We don't own a pair of seib'sors, afe leā*t, fbi ēditoMtil purposes^ The Punahou Beporler is another" pretty little candidntc for journālistic honors, cdited by a yoiing collegian.