Nuhou, Volume I, Number 4, 7 March 1873 — Hurrah ! Nuhou no! [ARTICLE]

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Hurrah ! Nuhou no!

The effectua 1 fervent ]>rajer of tlie righteous Nuhoū ayal]eth mtich rl| has started tte Band, at)d it has ma<Mthe Ministerß epeak out; but for all that weare not stuck ytp; but are u niodest and unaBBuming" language by the way 5 used by the CdurtJenkins, but better adapted to a perspnagē £)t fcr siz:e. ; No, we won-t brag, but will give every brōther .bi : B due. In the matter of tTie Band, we know that <the zēalōus endeavorB of the Adjutant General, carrying out the \vish of 3ns Sovereign have Bucceeded in engaging' the Band again on terms that jtistjce to the skni *Qf the muBicians, and more Wortby. of the iibcrality of a music lpving community We are happy to annoanee ā first.. f eappearancc and performance of * thu Band under Berger'a briliiānt lead to-morrow in Emni'a Square. And "here we ,venture a suggeBtion, that possibly our • lavorite ; topters 'V on j the braBB-instume;jtis may not be to-uiorrow quite | ec|ual to their bcst performajices when iu good practice, tlieir llpB have got ?i little out of pucker. 'i'hat*H » thc *'trornbone man has to j keep up a>teady pout? like a girl mad wi th her !• spoon,''"or hi« "tooting woirt piease Berger, or ojjr lkstidiouti Cars eithcr, There in anothei' ai'Uelo in this papei* about the baiid, whieh wae written beiore 'we had hcard uf the rē-engagement of ihe uuiaieiaiw,. ■ . ! We are.liappy to.unnounee the fl)llowiiig pro- ] gramuie fur to-morrow. i.ou will find it eclifying I to Tcad. ibe articles the pieeee : j Ka' Moi"Luualilo^M&^eh,pieee),......... . . .....-. .Berger lntrodUctk)ii to Opera oī 8ehzari0..,............ ...I}ouueUi Laneer6 Qu<idn116..................................... ;Faust Helcction frt>n» Opeia bf Uie Hugucautb ... ...Mcverbeer AVine, Womau an.d ooiig—VVaLtz. ...... .Sirauss Atijutant Genera}—Marck (ne\v) v .......Berger ' I)isturcance, —-On Tuei?day n,iglit last the deinoi\B goemcd to have possessidn of the town for a time\ Ēar|y in thi6 evening trouble was hea rd m the neighborhood of the Theatrc, and the Deaf and of corn plaster wa« hustlcd off to the Station-hou6c. Then a row took plaep at tlre Liberty Hall ball roōm fc bet\yeeu some iuarinea and Heanien ot tlie Englitdi and American war veBsc 18." %Fro 111 tltere they went to the Empire to lutvc it 6iit, and then mUde 'il up uVc? f ōcir ?' !•!:•; e-. - < • , ' * ?' • ■ . i