Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — New Caledonia. [ARTICLE]

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New Caledonia.

In November lasfc 249 exiled Freneh eonimunists arrived afc Noumea, of whieh number 185 were de6tioed for L'Me dcs Pins, and 64 for the Penineula of Dueos. Among thē lafcter was a boy 12 years of age, named Eegere. These foreed eolonisfc are establi6hed in small board eabins, in the midsfc of a drj, treelees plain, exposed to 6corehipg suns and wilting >vinds, aud here thej musfc make u home tliat musfc eonsole them for fche loss oif iheii' beaufcilul mother Franee. They will do eo. Their ,new land thdugh brown and like fche slopes of Molokii, is a rieh voleanie soil; and as they have a Btream of water descending from the heights of the island; they will lead ifc around thelr lodgiugs and enelosed Mds; and wifch Freneh industry, taste and patienep } they eau make a liappy produetive eouutry; uud besides illustrate the beauties of to their hearfcV eoutenfc. Would thafc we had a eolony of theee poor eommiinists; or better still, a eolony of Alsatians ] . !