Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — PORT NEWS. [ARTICLE]
ARRIVED. Feb. 28—Schr Rob Roy, Jira ? from Koolau, Oahu, Maieli I—Am bk D C Murray, Shepherd, 12 days aud 10 hours from San Francisco. \ * 2—Strar Kilauea, McGregor, frorn ffawaii and Maui. Freight—329 pcs Hides, 114 bales Pulu, 84 Sheep, 4 t Lamb% 14 llogs, 4 doz Fowls, 12 rolls Ijeather 4 201 bags Potatoe«, 6 kegs Butter, 8 bndls Goat A Skins, 2,400 Oranges, 14 bales Cotton, 17 bnchs ' fiananas. * 2~Schr llattie r Nika, from Nawiliwili, Kauai. Freight—2s3 kegs and 223 bāgs Sugar. 2—Schr Ka Mot s ījavis f from Kahului» MauL Freight—3B2 kegs Sugar, 20 bbls Molasses, 50 sks Potatoes, 1,300 ft Koa, 2 kegs Butter, 1 bx Ēggs, 3 Howea, 6 Hogs. —U S 8 Kenieia, Clary, 22 hours from Hilo, īla waii. 2—Schr Keoni Ana, Malaihi, from Waialua, Oahu. Freighfe-712 bbls Molasses, 20 pcs Hides, 21 Hogs, 4 doz Fowls, 100 Watermelons, 1 Canoe, l Ox Cart. 2—Schr Liliu, "Waha, from Koolau, Oahu. Freight—2oo bags Rice. SAILED. March I—Sclir Active s Hopu, for Kohala, llawaii. I—Haw wh schf Gi(>vanni Apiani, Dority, to cruise. I—Schr Nettie Merrill, Crane, for Lahaina, Maui. I—Schr PriaCeTPoane, for Kona and Kau, Hawaii. I—Sloop Live Yankee, ClarV, for Hana, Maui. 3—Stmr Kilauea, McGregor, for Maui and ilawaii. Warwick, Kalawata, for Kaunakakai, Molokai,