Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 Malaki 1873 — TRADE NEWS. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1873. [ARTICLE]
MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1873.
Tke week opens up with a llttle niore animaiion in business circles, <Jue doubtles3 to recent arrivals, dealers takmg early advantage of ehoiee of goods thereby, and the filling of interisland orders. We fail to see any promising s?gns in this gpasmodic chaDgeV as nearly the whole of sales made have been on liberal time, and the rēcent action of Government in regard to ifs foreign t policy doēs not give any encouragement that times are oh thē change for ihe better, but decided!y the reverse< The bark D. C. Murray, in the Regular Dispatch Line, arrived ori Saturday last, somewhat earlier than was expectecl } afed brings a general cargo yalued at about SIT,BO6 s of whieh we note free supplies of groceries, Advices by her are to l?ebruary 16th, and the market reports of our produce are by no means encouraging } sugar havIng met a stillfgrther decline. We quote; Hawaiian Sugar—Grocery grades, j Refinery grades, s(®6c 5 300 kegs Ohoiee West Maui, lOe. Hides—Market firoi with 'em.all sales at 18f®20c for Dry, and 9<®9ic for Salted. Tallow—Demand light } 7£<®Bc for crude, Wool—SHght improvement in demand with sales of 75,000 pounds, at 19(®21c for elean 5 12(®15c for bUrry. Coffeē—Demand light, owing to expected arrivals. Manila, 16r@17c ; Central Araerica, ; Java, 22c. Rice—Shows a better tone and is quoted āt ; China, strictly No. 1, 7c ; other China and Japan,sifS?6|c ; Hawaiian, %(8)8%c; Carolina, 10Jc. Pulu—Quotable at 9J/S)10c. Oursummary of last vveek's receipts of produce shows a marked falling off, owing to the interruption to our coasting irade by the late unsettled weather. Saturday's sale of real estate on Emma street brought $1,100/ whieh indicates confidence in such investments. The houae oh the rear lot b.rought $100. SIJMMARV OF HECEIPTS QF DOMESTIC PRODUCE FOR LAST WEEK. Awa, bnchs.. . 130 Pulu, bales 19 Butter, keg5............ 9 Potatoes, J bags2s Bananas, bnch5........ Sugar Cane, bndls..... 25 Coffee, bags .V. 16 Sugar, kegs. „ . 706 Goat Bkins, N0........ 84 bag5..h*........ 18S , HideB, pcs 146 Tāllow, bbls 17 Hogs.. 2 Tobacco,bales... 6 Molasses, bbls . 49 Wood, c0rd5........... 4 Oranges, N0........... 20,0(K)