Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — American Shipmasters of Honolulu. [ARTICLE]

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American Shipmasters of Honolulu.

We notice in a greafc piany Amenean ..papu* inention made of the ad<jreBs of the ehipmasters of this port to the Prince Lunalilo, and mueh eredit is awarded to both the thoughtB and the ianguage used on the hy the Prinee f and those who addreBsed him. His assuranee that he would discriminate fairly r between his native and foreign people is epoken of as a stateemanlike utteifance, and the transaction reeelves honorable mention as illuetratin<>; the enllixhteno o ment and liberulity of Anierican anū of tbe Spvereign of the Sainlwicli lelamk. But we \yould be glad to oorrect one eri*or of tiie New Ileraldy whieh of the aecepting the rebult «f tliē eloetion; wherca 3 , they ; waited upon the Pripee to eongratukte liim, betbre oven the result ol' the ne'.'ieeilum waa known. . ■ ! ,

lmg live Dowdeu of the Pro^rtS6 f and hia brother seamen, 1