Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 Malaki 1873 — Stand from Under! [ARTICLE]
Stand from Under!
The late ra\ns are soaking tlie shallow foundatioiis bf the Goveramexit l)uilding; and it is said that the ungirdēd walle are saggmg, This Building may or juay not l>e an ēxpenslve strueture, and out of proporlioii to. the needB of the eouutry. We wiil not con*ider tbat point, but inaaiuueh ae akrge eum, perhapi $00,000 Jms alrea% been Bpentj ifc would eertaiiilj be a prudent ceou<iiuy to plaee the building a« promptly. as pos*ible iu a perfeefcly gafe Oondition 5 e?en if the reeoureeB of the Governmenfc wHI not jwarraut its pro*eeutkm to n thon»u«rh eompielKm j
We undērstand that there do material laeking for accomplishing thorough security of the buikling, and ski!lful standing id!e: but by the employment of on!v a few favored hands tlie work progresses move lcisurely than any private interest would permit, if such a building were under ; threfore it is a just subjccfc of complaint, thafc important pablie propeyty is p)aced an opportunity is neglected for an equitable distribution of employment to many worthy and needy workmen. who have petitioned the Interior Department for such an opportunity. | lf had a lifctlc of ehe earth, such ab : not very long would nofc thos.e \\alls that are now shored up eome toppling down s therefpre we say, stand from under ! ' "