Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 Malaki 1873 — What is Said About the "Nuhou," [ARTICLE]

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What is Said About the "Nuhou,"

There was a lively eoquiry at Wl]itncj's and llu'uin'e on last Friday niorning for the Nuhou, anel soon there was a broad grin obsēr'vable iiround the " Eeaeh" and up and down Fort etreet. Some said, that although its politics are not very certain, yet it is spicy. Everybody, of course, expeeted to have his crptcliet touehed upoh» or see his hobby trotted out, and may have more or less disappoiated, wfiether be was annexatlonist or anti-annesationist, 01* a'-tet?iprocity man ; but aīl agreed that the thing was full of matter as an egg is of meat/ Some eaid that they wanted it a little more decided this way or thafc way, to suifc their particular views but all were of opinion that it was a lively 1 ittle eet; — and even the kanakae in the street sāid, Nuhou no t news indeed, e< Heahalaia ia Kipikona —go it 6?ibson. If you mean what you say, eubseribe.