Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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, Bark B e C. Murray, Capt Shepherd put in an appearance on Saturday morning last, to the agreeāble surprise of U8 all. Coaster learn ; thafc the Bchooner Isabella went ashore afc Moloaa, Kauai, on Tucsday night lasfe, and will prove a total lobB, Ki-yi, Pen-an-Ink, is heard in all directions from the pereecutcd fiC purps " who are minue the latest tag } and m consequence 5 dogs are livelj. " Pen Pictures of the Pacifie,*' bj a joung naval eeion, are good, and we espect Botoe more of his cruise in the California. Tell us_ more what mature Remiturans do, Any Minister, who says that he declines fco advise a meāsure of whieh he approves, and whieh niay be of advantage to the country, in consequēnce of a ioreign pressure, ought to be hauleā over the coals. Overflow of MOKL T AWEOWEO t —From Captain McGrcgor we learn that thie crater has at Tast broken dut, and lava was flowing dowīi on the north 6idē of Maūoa Lo'a» It had been rainine; For several days prevlous and fche summifc was nofc seen, so that the time of is not knowii, and wh6n ēeen from the vessel it appeared to have overflowed its banks. New Arrivals at the Hotel,—J. C. Lyman, New York ; Dr. 0. S. Boston ; Capt. P. P. Shepher4 ,bark P A & Mzirray ; C. H, Sisson, W. Sisson, B. returDed from the volcano; Wm. H, Baily, wife and chi3d, G. Armstrong, Geo, W. Willfong, Wailuku ; D. ,S. Hanway, San Francisco; Capt. Higbee s Lieuk, Lifcfcle and L. Kempf, and Chief ĒDgineer Kutz, u. s. n.