Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — United States Territory in the Pacific. [ARTICLE]

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United States Territory in the Pacific.

Accordmg to a laW of Congress, tbe United Btatēs cstends tbe protection of its flag to certain iBlands in tbis oeean, named, Jarvis s Baker, and others, that maj be hepeatter taken possession of by AmfecanB, for tbe object of procurhig guano ; phosphate deposits, or to pursue" other induBtry. And it is clearly intimated that Americans will be protected in sucli island homes against all comers ; so that we see that the lJnited S.tates bas already deparfced from her " continental policy, M and pkced herself under objigation to risk the employment of her fleets, ancT armies in tbe defence of iier flag if molested in insular positions far away from her continental seat.