Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 Malaki 1873 — Spirit of the Press. [ARTICLE]
Spirit of the Press.
Tha Advertiser of fche lst instant has an able growl at Ministers, and shows cause; not any •dcreliction of public dutj; but because " they are poeifcively opposcd tamakiDg any movement P '' They aro waiting fbr s6iiaething to turn up; and aniipdtgnado*n meeting will turn up. Our big cotemporary gives us a lift, over the left, We notice several decided, emphatic s oui anā out annesation articles in this ānd the preceding number ; and we must say, that if the Adveriiser is not an organ; at least ifc is a vehicle of annexation views. The Friend of this mo ivL gives us a friendly lift ; although he has got parfc of our title wrong; " Hawaiian Times M instead of News. However the Nuhou <c by any other Mme would smell just aa sweet. līe thinks we play shy. Yes, we are' y6ung; and Fear to venture our nib too far among i such experienced pens, as we have here. llow- 1 ever we will grow out of that and folk out as our lriend desires. We notice interesting topics from " Editor's Table. T ' Why did Stanley seek for Dr e Livingstone? A wonderful movement in Bible sfcudy; Y. M v €. 'A. of Boston to the people of Honolulu; The Bible and Science; īnformation wanted about the Hawaiian īslands; and Bishop Btaley on our situation. Good readmg u withoui mociey and without price "to the most of its readers« A Friend in4eeda ' :■ /