Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]

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Foreign News.

Spaix elaime a promiDent attention. Theamiable King Amadeus feeling unable to harmpDize the Spanish people fche Spanish Throne on the llfch of Feb. and a(b'-9 o'eloek on the eve of tho same day, fche Cortes in session deelared a repubhc. by a vote of 239 against 32. Rivero, Presidenfc of the . Provineial E-epublic, Figuerae, President of fche Oouneil, and Casfceīar 5 Minister of Foi*eijgn Afiairs e The Queen gaye blrth to a son a8 the King was losing his erown. Poor Amadeus, how mad hb was. Germany.—Spener's Ze]tung of Berlin " hopes that the United Stat£s will annes the- Sandwieh Islands; bufc.depreeates the acquisition of Cuba ? beeause ifc would be difficult to Americanize an island where the religion and mannere are so different from thuse States. The incorporation of fche Sandwieh lelands with the Ameriean Republie would, however, be a benefit to civilisation." This eeeme a very general opinion throughout Deufc§chland.—They say, why don'fc you annex? nix voor stan ? * Enolanu,—Th% Marqui|s of Lorne deplores the emigration of the British Jpeagantryj especially to fche linited State3, and wants them to go to Ausfcralia and Canada. We wish he would send some this way, as w T e are not XJnitedStatesyet; andior want of peopīe, are rather forl.orn. A motion in the House of Common§ on the 7th of Fefe., to establish a pro :ec%aWover Fyi. Thk makes us fidg-et-y aboufc (|ur allegedproteetorate; France.—The Legislative Aseembly ia no longer fcoo deep for The eommittee of fchirty permifc him for a tiipe to veto whatever tho Assembly may do, or he may suspend a law and say, je ne scais pa§. Mblxioo is in its ueual mixed condition. The Government of Lerda hat? just whipped General Louzada ? who wiii lose head ah. The Uxited of ,Amekica. —Sonie of thc boys of this little country, have a jaint stock| company a §h(j>w of atock, amouutmg to $30,000,000, aud haye bought up San Do~ miugp, The Joinfc Stock Ilawaiian Land Qompany, go aqd do thou likewise, f the car hook murdcrer, will be hanged and iio mistake. AppeiU deuied. Stokes do.,— Ames made a elean breast. Tlie Crx.dit Mobilier quifce discredited. Geu. Grant, afUr ke kissee the book to-day and % gives thanks For a term, goes to Califbruia; and he wi&ht go farfcher and fare no \voise; especially if he goes ou the 4< Caßfbmia n away t!o Ilawaii. It fo corifidently aeserted tlmt Ministcr Pe Loug has rbigned, and that Gtjo* F. Seward will obtain the ■ The Semite Postal propo6c to give \\ebb §.425,'000 to run |his Australian liue bv way of llonolulu. That |W - wiU voi th, uy ot • *.■■■>*'. i