Nuhou, Volume I, Number 3, 4 March 1873 — Iuauguration Day–March 4th. [ARTICLE]

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Iuauguration Day–March 4th.

.! Grant goes tif-day about 11 o'eloek. to the papitol ut Washiugton, aml eutor6 tlie Seuatc phuuiber, eurrouudfijd bj the Supreiue J udgei, (Seuatocs, ReprebCQto(.iveb, Gcucruls, Admir.ili aud Foreigu Repre6eutatives, iu the glor>- of diplo|natio Co6tume, aud he prjeoed< \vith them to a plati'oriu ou the broad easteru portieo , tlwre 6taudiug betweeu Columbus, aud tl»e Uuuter aud the lndla{Q; faeiug the" father of his pouutrj, aud in tlie preseuee of a uii£htj host ot peopie, he aweai-e eollegianee to the Cousutu;iou, <Mid then delherfi h+a address. Tresideut Graut «peaka loi the intere6ts ol iort> uiillious of peotte, and u»ay uot notjiee u? l<at pcrliaps ho in ay