Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — 12 Per Cent. [ARTICLE]

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12 Per Cent.

12 per cent. has no bowels, and it will disembowel you, if you let it alone. It is an eternal googe working day and! night, and do you let it accumulate its forees q«arterlj, and it seoop.s 3~ou. It is not the low priee of sugar, nor the loss of the whale fleet, nor want ōf labor, not an irreiponsible ministrj,nor the Iloiel, nor tlio Govei;niuent Building, nor the high priec of poi or putly tB&t " gravels " us ; liut it is 12 per cent. Figur6 it up at conipo«nd |interest, and it inakes, jtu nervous in -bed, and jou eannot eleep, and sc have to get up and take •• Bomething." But it witli the man : who is rec-eiving the 12 per cent. It is Kilubrious, it is rosj,it is radiant with him. He does not want any annexation— at Jeast not just yet, not until a good mauy more 12 per cent. vietims have eaved, iu. Ile is uat eure that he wante reeiprocity, beeause hard times bring grist to liis uiill, and reciprociiy niiglit eut 12 per eent. down, llowever, this is a free conntrj, you ean double ou 12 per eeut. if jou lik«, and you eun eling your brotlier around the liair of the liead if you so faney. "\\liat fool will etnrt a plantatiou,[and sweat over ctops and trees, and glorify the land if he ean go it easy and ,liiie liis nest with 12 per e<;ut. Fiauuiuoiis aud - | fa(|tories represeut dispters, but 12 pcr cvut, is ftll viotory An ?nd.istrinl uiay be ! yonr rellownian. l,mt 12 per eeiu. is a suiro thiug for ouq uiau. Aud sliall uot,this dying natiou and decaying Luid rejoice whilst the imjporeouatiou of 12 per ceut. is ull couifortable couteuted? Somo of us <u*e liiiliug out, but ueyer miud —12 per ceut. is happy. •• Lord U8 or we perish u •• Cūvc «ie 12 rer ceut. first," 1 .