Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Patriotism. [ARTICLE]

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we ean get up an Jnteresfc in tin6 Archipelago. lf we ean look with something inore tban a or a gra2ier's @ye upoii our grand mouniaine and beauti|ul vallejs. If we csn be touched by the rythm of our ever sounding, sutf beaten ehores. IF we ean saj, here we haye liyed and fared in peaee, here is our abiding plaee, here we have set up our utmQ£fc bound and sea mark then let us prove our love to our island home by doing something for its growth and glory. Let us make.: many Mades grass grow where one grew before. Let us clothe the b'are slopes with the trees of other lands, even as we would eloihe the nakedness of thf nativemindwith treasures of our traditions, hisfcories, and ideas. Let us meet the trials and plagues of the land with persistence and hope, and above all let us unite in a poliey for the growtlf in peqple and profiperity of our aecepted country s