Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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The weather, whieh for the past few weelcs haa heen quite ttnsettled, set in lasfc Tuesday night \vith steady i*ain from the BOvlthward. Although i.t has materially interfered with trade,' the benefits that will āccrue will amply repay present detention*. Shoull the same raihs extend throughout the grbup, our agricuUural interesrs will be materially benefitted. p E. F. Adams held a large credit salc of dry goods, clotlnng, &c., , o» vcry liberal termsj mainly %o : close consignments and makē room for new goods/ The bark Ka Mm is at hand, af ter a little longer passage than usual 5 and brings a full cargo of assortecl European goods y tCfcan already stocked market. On discharging she will immediately load for San Francisco, and promises to havē dispatch. • On Saturday next will be ofTered at auelion sale a parcel of real estate on Emma street.

The Hawaiian whaling schooner Giovanni Apiani has hauled from Tibbetts & Sorenson's wharf, to sail to-day or tomorrow on her first cruise. British bark Lightfoot lies stern on to the same wharf, awaiting orders. Sloop Live lankee lies at the old Custom House wharf } and will leave on Saturday for Hana. Shooner Pauahi has hauīed in to Brewer & Co.'s wharf and la awaiting orders. Schooner Active, at Robinson's wharf, is ready to recēive freight, and will return to Kohala, sailing at 4 p. m. to-day. Bark Ka Moi is discharging at the steamer's wharf, and tuming out her gg>ods in flne order. STChooner Dauntless Hes at ,the ektreme end of the esplanade to be fitted with new masts. Schooner Nettie Merrill lies at Brewer & Co.'s'wharf and will sail on Saturday for I^ahaina. ] Schoouer Prince is at wharf dischar|ipg. Will leave again to-morrow for Kona and Kau. Ketch Luna/ilo has taken her berth' at the old Custom Houae wharf to discharge. Schooner Wartvick takes her berth on the esplanade front.