Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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IHE HAWAIIAN HOĪEL! , ■■■'. i ■ -V •• ■ ::■■■■■■■■ •■• ■■■"" }" ! ■:• : A. HERBĒRT, : : PROPRIETOR. THĪS has become the most institutīon of tbig city. īt is the one, whieh recommends us most to the fayorable consideration of strangers, i!veryone who arrives in Ilonolulu indulges in an of surprise to find so !arge, so elegant» and .sM a well appointed līotel. It cost a good sum, it is well wprth the money, The cliief and promoljers of the building *were blamed for having u erected such an extravagantly large edifice ; but befbre a year has espireā since"it openēd it is frequently found to be too smallta accommodate its. throng of guests,—and the proprietor is about to adjacent cott_ages to meet thfe demand upon his hospitality. Travelers from all pārts of the wor!d who are now brought here in comfort by the commodious steain--Bhips of the Australian line,[say unanimously that there is no house of public ejatertainment on the Pacific cōast, or in the Bridsh Colonies whieh sjirIn point of comte>rt and elsgance the new HoteL ' ■ j . |The building is lighted with gas. The Dining Eoom is a gpacious noble hall, and ean seat 2(X> persou at table. The parlor is furnislied very luxurīouily y and has a s«peri6r toned piano for the pntertainment of guests. There is a Billiard Saloon provided with three Sthrale & po. ! s patent cushion tables. Tne Bed-roorns a - all | furnisli£d with spriug mattresses, ahd tas'eful set£ of furniture, with cold and witrm, and shower baths ;attached. There are no extra ; charges for eonveyance of guests between steamer and Hotel in coming aud gbing: and no extra charge for removal of or other extra service. The best table entertainment is provided that the island will and fbr the special icfbrmation of fr&velers and inter-isl md visitors, love gobd things for the comfbrt of the mner man s we append a copy of an! occaslonal Dinrior Bill of Fare. Soup.—Beef, Bouillon, Yegetable, Eiee, Tomato, Fish.—Codfish, style, egg sauce* . Boiled.—Turkey, oyster sauce; Ham* champagne sauce; Leg of Mutton, caper sauce; Corned fan l Cdbbage. 1 Roast.—Lamb, greeft peas; Etu2ed Teal s Smofliered Goose, Beef 4 ala mode Loin Beef, tomato sauce. ; | Entreks.~Cocoanut purry, wieh ehieken and riee; Brains, in batter; Kulney Stew> Glblet Frkaieaux, Oyster Patties, Crab Salad, Vfoftabi.fs.—Sucotash, seollop tomatos, string afcd lima beans, sweet potatoes, bacbn and g?eeus, bee&. j |Fasxry, —Blackberry pie, cunant pie» gooseberry tdrts, strawberry short'eake # lemon and vanill;\ iee ! Dksskrt.—Almonds and bananas» oranges, iced let£onade, j Dinner §1.00, including a piut bottle of go<\l table j or Cal. CucAmouga, I . CorrKK, Tk.V ANI) CuOOOI,ATK, j Wixr Tast.— o t uarls t f?.50 ; eliamipajrne, pmts* 51.50; slierry wine, SI.TS ; port j wine, §1.76 ; table claret, 81.00 ; chatcau leovHk% S- —; St. Julien, j—; sauturne pontitK% $150. €amfobkia H<rb<rt> Impcirki\—C\iCMifornia Reclv # ?1<00; WhHo l>reak Wiu\ $1.00; Sansevain Bittei*s 4 «2 00, and German p\lo«» £ocb.; rorter» 50 cts.» pei Daj, $3 00, | Charges pei Month, $G0 00