Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Annexation. [ARTICLE]

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Who wants to annex ? Ēngland wapts to annex the Faroe Islands, France wants to annex the Rhenish Provinces, Germany wants to annes lleligoland, Ru§sia wants to annes Asia, Italy wants to annes the Vatican, Spain wants to annex Portugal and the Rock of Gibraltar, Sweden wants to annex Denmark and vice,yersa, Austria wdiate to a,n»ox tlio Danubo, Turlscy wanto a llttlo more Greeee, and Greeee wan ts another spot ealled Orete, Egypt \mnts to annex Ah-iea, Brazil wants to annex Spanjsh Arneriea, tlie United States of Amei'iea want to annex Canada, Greenland and the rest of the North Pole; Australia wants to annex tlie Fijis and a few inore groups, and the Sandwieh Islands want to annex San Francisdo and a free niarket. Do the annexers seek the good of the annexed, or are they both to be mutually blessed ? It is hard to say, because annexation seems to be a blessing or a erime according to its geographieal j position. England regards annexation as a po!itieaL blessing in India, but as very odious in Ameriea ; and the United Ststes wlnlst content-' edly encroadiing upon Mexico, dre scandalized by ! the onward mareU of Britam in India. And Australians would urge the annexation of Fiji without thinking of the Fijians, but .would be full of syiipatliy for Hawaiians if tliey eliouM take a notion to join with Ameriea t So thata man's opinion, if ho is not a Ilawaiian is not of mueh value upon this |questionhere ; as it ropresehts his property interpsts, or his politieal penchant or jealousy. tlierofore, oh, nawanan fricnd, study this question for yourself, and lieed not, eitlier Ameiiean, Briton, or Tcuton, But study it you inust. xou eannot stand still, for either like the Indian you will be dragged aloiig and dt9, or like tho Japanese you will go along with the earol eivilization, ,aud the niareli of progress. i ,