Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Weather News. [ARTICLE]

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Weather News.

We haven't liad 6U(|h a suap for maivy ycats as fluring theso few dajs. Thc wiud has boi«\l eouipai» two or ttirec timcs; aud hae bccn cold from the t|ap of au ieobcrg. ilauua Loa and Mauna Kea aro capcd aud Ci\pped t io with 6iio\T. An ineh of raiu fcll duriug luedaynigM, an<i another iueh during \Ycducsdaj, thunder and %litniug during that da> maflc eoiuo kaiiaka? 4)' ttuu thc elemonU weie anjjry wiiU »>uicWdy,- r iH:rhaj> wilh thc £<}v. j ... * '