Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Hawaii and America. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaii and America.

Ihe ccd6UB of the Luited Statcs thowt that ov<p five huudred kanakas live aud p.rosper. withln the liuiits of the Great Kepublic. Tliis numis about the one-hupdredth part of oxir pop^ilatpn, aad if Amcrieq.iis appreciated tliese islin thc samc propoption ihat kanakae appreeia,te Ameriea, we ou<*ht to have in this aiehl pc}ago uoarlj half a m|llion of Anicriean eUkeo^ It is quite probable tjluit ii America would be w T i|liug to let us sell her our sugar and wool ou th<f same term§ that would buj her pinu^ lumber, thc two ,countries would epcedily thēir of eaeh other*s popuiatiops. Let us reeiproeatc and equalue, or do the nextthing, 1