Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Debt. [ARTICLE]

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We doa't advise any man to borrow inoney, beeause he has a soul, and may have a >vlfb aiid ehildren, and a niee houee, ean eafc a good dinßcv > sieeps well r and don'fc w*anfc to gefc grej before hia time ; bufc as a has no soul, ifc may bear the burthen of debt f and fchereby give rene\Yeii liiiq and aefcivifcy to a communifcy. We were reading a&x>ufc a ,lifctle fcown eaUed Dover wifch 12,000 souls, whiqh borrowed several liundred thousand dollars,; and fchis qapifcal being m liando pf it« v> ic>c men, it opened ways and faeilifcies, and new eulfcures, manufaefcurers and trade for its people, so as to make the burthen uf debt beeome a blessing. We eould no doubt borrow money at 3to 5 per eent v , and so organizp, we eould buy man's sugar or othcr produee in llonolulu for eash, he he sfcood wifchin an hour after £i§ landingln town, eould go on hie wāy rejoking.