Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 Pepeluali 1873 — Letters. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


. Editor Nuiiou,—l like your little papei: very mueli, ānd it just shQvt aifa swcot enough t > takc wltli_rny brcakfast. As your arti"qles ai' : not ycry long ur heavy and have a trlfle oF fuu in them, I ean read them TJy the" \va\. she eays you ought to, havc" somcthing tn th«j Nuilou for ilie ladies ospocially. But I \vould advisc| you nofc to try as an attraction, that is alrcady disscminated mueh more cfScieutly ; thafc ; you ean ever hopej- fco do with the Nuiiou. j On thc confcrary do best to make toia"com~ munifcy have a befctcr opinion of eaeh otlier, and if we arc all as somebody in thc Adufirtisen perhaps yoiv jusfcly said, let us o\*crlook eaeh ofchcrs anfcccedpnts, and Dofc try to piek the | loek of the room <jioor .whieh encloscs the ekelpeon in our ueighbor"s house. . Mopus. [We have often thought as Mopus doee. Elēewhere we have found communitics that indu!ged in 60 mueh praise of eaeh other and tbeir country, that they sccmcd to constitute Mutual t Admiratip]i Societics ; whereas this ,community eeems to eunstitute a Mutuai Disparageincnt Society. Le fc substitute admiration.—Ed. Nunou.]