Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Immigration. [ARTICLE]

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Ifc is not dcad Uut eleepeeh. The plapters say that t-hey want about sevcn hußdred inom laborers, if sugar wili only improve a little ; but that at present pricc3, they cannot emp!oj very profitabiy the hands ,they havc, and soifc is not worth while to increasc uiipi:ofitiible vvorkers. This may be talk,'and a dij?position to bcar the condition of tlie CQuntry in order to bring about a political change. StilL it is hard to sec how plantcre ean gl3t along, \vhen expenscs are perhaps double on the cost of production of Bugar. It is said that it costs soiue planlefs 125 cents a pomul, for every pound of sugar t!mt tliey produce. It is plain to be seen that a Free JNlarkct Society is a necessary adjuvaut to the Imuiigration Society. rt is al>out timc that we elioukl luivc a rcporfc from tho Exeeufivo CommUtoo about the condition ot thc and thc hihui nccdrf uf f lic eotintrv.