Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — Charles Nordhoff, Esq. [ARTICLE]

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Charles Nordhof f, Esq.

We may congratulate ourselves upon tiio ai rival of Uiie gentloiuan in our i6lands, Ameneau Lave a bette|r knowledge of ealūomia, eīnee liia able reporfc aud iltustratkm of the eoun-' tr y * n fl«rpcr's Monthly, and eubsequentlj in l>ook form, tlian was known beToro ; and we e»pect to be diseuseed in tbe samc eandid and masterly manner. We muet not hojie for undue llattery, but we will get very fair treatment; and Wehave no doubt tlnit Mr. Nordhofi"s jxn ■nill populame us throtigh Harper's Ma< % tbroughout Hie United States of If lie qhould attraet the attention of invalids to our 6jhoree, by eo admirably the saluluity of our elimate as he did ia tlie ease of tl;e Santa Earbara eountry, we maj be ineonveuieneed as t|he Santa Rubarians were at first, bj having a rush of guests, iuore thau the domieiles of tlie iplaniie oau lioute. llo\vever we would say, let eome, aud to solve for us our inmiīgvation aud otlier great que«tious. I This geutlouiau I|us luul a large and uistiu£uishjng experienec Jin litevature. We had„il!e }iouor to heeoiue with liim nianj i|tgo wheu he had publishevl liis '• Island Worid, "* " Stories of tlie sea,*' and interestin-i bcoL jmd Wis thc suceessor 6f the gifted Mr. Ripley, as mvder fot the llarper's. We subse£uently found lmu in etnrge of that iuiluentnil journal, tho New \ork Posl. We are now happv to" iueet lam m pnnie heallh aud aetiv!ty, ntid Wpe.'-k foi liim aiul liis nuuiVy, w> - iceoiupaiiyhim,u eoiuiil we'eoiue wheiwii •) i * tuay throuj;hout {1k i hiuU .T ' | — ■. i