Nuhou, Volume I, Number 2, 28 February 1873 — CITY NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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13P Amateur performanee at Buffum T s Ilall passed offpassably, owing to the lcniency of an' iinci*itieal * " 1 Ambitioi?s.—The līonolulu Iron Works has lately added considerable height to ;the chimney 1 of their old boiler furnace, by hoisting a "2o\ feet iron smoke stack and fiHing to -the top, to 1 secure a better draūght. Dinner at the llotel next SuNi>Ay.—lt will ma ke you, if hungry, emaek your chQps to read Herbert's bill of fare for noxfc Sunday. All tha6j and a bofctle of good wine for a dollar, Consider this my friend, as a standing invitation to dinner,' 5 Serenade.—The Kaw 7 aiahao (Jhurch choir war' the means of somewhat enlivening the scene ! attending the departure of the Kilauea on Monday last, by the exereising of their vocal powers in appropriafce songs as a fcribute of aloha to one of their patrons and co-workers who took pas-: sage for Ilawaii. — Exp:nsion.—The Banking llpuse_ of Bishop & Uo., is undergoing eonsiderable aiteration in its interior by the addition of the eorhēr room of | the building, so that it now takes the whole of the Kaahiimanu Street side of the biock for its use. When the earpenters and painfcers are 1 through, and the plaee -gets in order, the benetts! of the change will be readily pereeived. Burglary.— night of last week a small retail store just above the first bridge on the * valley road was broken into, and goods sfcolen therefrom amounting to niore than :<>o.vtU- woll 1000 j «p Ī9 IIVSt evening his vengeanee has been unappeased, there being no traee of either goods or (k)night roamers. H. Accident.—On Tuesday last, as the foremast of fche sehooner Daunlless was being hoisted out, the shears gave way, lefcting the mast fall> whieh struck and carried away the mainmasfc e!ose to the eleek. Bofch masts fell aeross and smashed the skylight eompanion hatch, wheel and stern rail, but forfcunafceiy injured no one. Concert at Kawaiaiiao was not as grand as posters led us to expeet. Ilovvcvcr, people paid their money for the benefifc of the Chureli and not for musie. But we musfc say, that the duet by Mrs. Qleghorn and Mrs. Kamakau, and thē solo by Miss Miller, were w r ell eung, and savcd tlie credit of the performance. Kiha's Sehool would h(tve done betfcer to have " paddled their oWn eanoe " ēlsewhere. A slim afctendance but a good sale of tickets—so mueli for a good sales!nan, or saleswoman. —. * j Tiie Govern){ent BifiLDiNo axd Work.—There 1 is a complainfc thafc there are skilled laborers in' tbwn out of employment; aud that the goveni-' meut, buildiug, and tj[xc appropriation for it, i«' aa oppovt«nitj v,'liicU is witUliold; cxcopt to a' favored fe.w, who arc. gettiug more of the fat of' the job thau is their eiiai-e; We -don't kaow the' l'acti3 ot tiie case, but we presume that au iutelli-' gcnt Ministor will )>e auxiou3 to diminis!i thc 1 grounds ot couiplaiut;of this gi'uuibliug ooiuuiunity, and will emplojy the iueans at tlio oommand or iiis (JeparttijeiH in tho most equitable manner ili rei?pcct to (he cinplojfuieut of thc' labor of the comniunity, \Vo uliull cn.juhe uml! Btfy iu(?ve. - | I

Bark Ka Moi,—Thls fa?orite packet of the Bremen line arrived in port last TScsJaj louking as neat atid trim as if she was jast. from thc dock. Her report will be found 7ū the marine eolumn. —; : to the » Scout."—'The Gazelte . m -speaking of the eelebration of Birthday,omits,tion the eourteev aod eom~ pliment paid hy the man-of-war in port to |thē memory o.f America-s great patr!ot. Her guns eeemed to elaim as a hero that helongs to the whole liberty loying Anglo-Sason race. ° America taken by Kanaeas.—Suppose that the 520 Hawāiians who are now in America 5 should return or be sent back to Hawaii wiili wives and childrēn on a'vislt; whafc eSect do you euppoee their presence liere would have ? Woulel thpy not impress their |compatriots with*the feeling, that it vvas safe to. live with. t ! ae forty mi!lions of Americans ; and fchat in faet they hsd diseoyered fchat Axyerica was nofc made alone for jiative-born Ameiicans, but for Hawaiians jusfc as well ? If eaeh feanaka'brought one Ameriean friend with him whieh ie about as manv reaj ones as a man ever had, that would about our American popuiatipn. That ? s all. ~ On, those Side-walks.—on Nuuānu street 5 rainy day, as we our morning stroll were taking, a mkn we saw|right oyer the way, who, frpm his elothes the: mud was shaking. We in >onder plight, not thinkmg of ihe cause or weatlier, but soon he vanished from puv sight, and left us stupids there together. But m we.hurried on to forgetting on what we just did ponder, we brought up ; with a eudden jer,k, and in the gu{,ter both did floitnder } the of wlileh l r ll. now ? explam, and hope that a jl W'ili take a if you got oauehi in & shower of rain, keep weH to the house-side of the awmng. Moral~~never eonstruet awnin*s ta cj>ver one half the side-walk only 5 as they aM the iormation of mud gutters in the eentre.