Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL ! /: •;rā:4^:;i i: :.;Jiffi= 7 .Af ; >iĒJtB ĒRT, fi PR6PRIETOR, TIIIS lias becomc the, most popuiar institution of this city. īt is the one, whieh leeommenelā us most to the favorable eonsideration of strangers. Evpryone who arriyes in Honolulu indulges in an expression of surprise t<p find so large, so elegant, and sucli a well appoioted llotel. It cost a *good sutn, but it is well worth the money. The chief projectors and promoters of the building were bla,med tor having erected such an estravagantly large edifice. ; but before a year has expired since it opened it is frequenily found to be too small jto accommodate its throng_ pf guests,—and the proprietor is about to erect four adjacent cottages to meet the demand upon his hospitality. Travelers from all of the world who are now brrhight here in comfort| by the commodious steam--ships of the Australian line,|say unanimously that there is no house of public entertainmenl 011 the Pacific coast, or in the Bt;iiish Golonies whieh surpasses in point of comfort and eleganc-e the new Hotel. ; Thev building |s lighted with gas. The Pining llopm is a spacioiīsnoblehall, and ean seat 200 person at table. The parlor is very luxuriouBly, and has a superior toned piano for the entertainmētat of guests. There is a Billiard Saloon provided with three Hthrale & Co.'s patent cushion tables. The Bed-rooms are all furniHhed with spring mattresses, and tas'eful sets of furniture, with cold und warm, and shower batlis attached. There are no extra qharges for conveyance of guests between steamer and llotel in coming and going; and no extra charge for removal of or other extra service. ; ° The best table entertainment is provided that the island ma.rket will afford; and for the special informalfion of traVelers : and inter-island Jvisitors, who love good things for the comfort of the inner man, we append a copy of an occasional Dinner Bll\ ©f Fare. SotsP.—Oxtail, maccaroni, turtle. Fish.—Mullet, frcsh salmon per steamer on iee; soft shell crabs. c i - ' BoiLEi).-—Turkeyv oy|ster sauce; beef; mutton, caper sauce; lamb and peas, corned beef and cabbage. Boast.—Ducks, tuflsey, beef, muttofi, lamb, pork, sucking pig, Miieken. ■ ENTREES;~Boeuf a h| mode, ehieken eume and riqe, broiled plovers ou toast, boiled tongue, rice fricasseed ehipken, fried brains. \ eG"ETabi^ks. —Mashed[ potatoes, fried potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, poi, luau, string beans, Lima beans, green peas, green corn, tomatoes. PASTRY.—BIanc mange, raspberry pie, apple dqmplings, eake, iee crejim. Dessert.—Watei % inusk melon, bananas, oranges, guavas, strawbevries' auel eream, almonds and raisins. ' I OOFFĒB!, CIIOCOLATE. List.—Champa!gne, quarts, §2.00 ; ehainpa|gne f pinls, ; bherry wine, Sl.To; port wijne, f 1.75 ; table Sl.OO ; chateau leoYillo, St. Juliea» $ — r ; sauturne poutiac, §1.{50. ,Califoexia Wines—Ha-bai, ImparU}\—Ca~ coinonga Wine, $1.00; California Iloek, §1.00; Wbite Break Wine, f 1.00; Sansevain Bitters, $2.00 ; Eaglish mā Germm 41es, o0ct&; Porter, 50 cts.; Ci|ieiv; ; |.. / " .; : Charges per Day, $3.00; ! pei Montlu $80.00,