Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — Letters. [ARTICLE]
AVc a.<k ..ur rriemls, an l enomies ioa, to \\xhc to us, and itc prouiĪßd tp givo cvcry otio a show in thc , if ]etters arc uot too prolis 01* too peisonal. Be bricf and s;iy son)ctlung. Tbe ecciccy ot coiiebpondencc' will bc inviolaie. Addresg EditorJS\-uov, llavjraihiH Ilolel, or Bos 8;;, Post-OfSec. 1 llosjou-U-, F::n. 22, 1873. Mk. Oiiisox —Dcar .Sjir:—l liavc read willi somc interest your Pro«|peetus. atid-;un gkd to scc t!iat you arc goiiig to| ojcn up an opponuiiii;,-. For ;freer discussiou tliaii \vo liavo luul, lt wiii . bc C|ilivening to havc souio ooe is not afraid to "Jspeak out iu meeiin^." Ijhope tiiat you will iut ioadiiy allow j-ouv moujth tobc stoppcd wipli '• loavois and ()iu: coumuinitj īs \veakjin iiiai iespcet; so thal an qpposition is casily Au ordcr l'oi' a dozcii tins of oystcrs is paough to husli up somo uien!; wliilst otlicrs wojild uccd an ordcr ibr a. bari'cls oniuie, or p lot*ofliimbcr, to inako tliem approi.'iate tlic statpuianship of tlic prcscni go\<jnitiicut. Whilst you eoiiūnue to advociitc pvogrc<is o|f thcsc islands, vou iuav tvntinuc to se'nd me tlic Nluou. , i A I)abstkr. If our O'īoikl ifst We arc ini'oi'i-upii-blc,- at u low f:gavc. I!'o ī> thc oniv tndo[icndcnl pi'oe —t:i! |it tho mi\criiiH:u' | Ku Xvu-' .