Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 Pepeluali 1873 — Personal. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


\ EN'. RCIIPEACON MaSoN.—Tllis 00111 UIUM!( y lpsfc a valuable man in Iho departure of thin clergyman. lle was an accomplished soholar and gcntleman. lle was a line orator and a zcalou;-' priest; and we shall miss ;his presence very mueh. lle l'^bored fuifchfully in theso lslands for moi'e than ten years, and his work will live aftcr him. Ifc is seen in many well e<;lucatcd native youths of Lahaina and llonolulu; and many a poor, sick soul will rcmembcr_ the| kindly ministrations uf thc Yenorable Arcbdeaeon. Thc church of lionolulu will miss his eloqucnt voiee.