Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 Pepeluali 1873 — Not Such Small Potatoes After All. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Not Such Small Potatoes After All.

Thc Jocular strangcr makes fun of our smallne*s, and says that any agitation, or political a'etivity on our part ean be nothing more than a i4 4 tempest in a tcapot.'f We are small we know, but we are tlie iiope of a big thing to eome. ! When we have a frcc markct, and oūr two hundred thousand acres of eane lands are producing I half a million tons of sugar, and when that lsthjmus of Darian is cut through, then we will be woi th something ; and the fu»s that will be made aboufc ifB won't bc a teuij)csfc in a teapot. ,, lfc will be a struggle between the diplouiacy of Ainorica and maritimc Eūrope for the posscssioii of thc mosfc important strateghj point for the the commerce of the Paeilie. Combined European c;ipital has aimost driven American *bipping from the Atlantic ; but Columbia hojH's to make up for hcr losses in this oeean, and make of it an Amcrieau sea.