Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 February 1873 — Foreign News. [ARTICLE]
Foreign News.
Englani>.*—A Btiobningof isi*iti«h backbone irs respecfc to Ru6Sian advanccB in AJghafnbtan, John Bull will bave no wars about a sum inoney, or an Americaii boundary line or aßoufc a station in the Pacitiē Oeean ; but a advānce on Khiva is another mattcr. It afibetB the integrity of his Indian Empire, and thereforc he says to the Russ " thus far shalt thou go, and no farther, thou Must-go-vite. France* has lost her best organizer,.and promoter of her -material progress, tho Emperor Napoleon; and ihe Monarchists, both lcgitimists and OrleanistB are united upon the Count of Chambord. The purposes of thc Legislative Assembly are said to be too deep for Thiers. Germany \vishes to preverit emigration .; bufe will not interpose any undue coereion. Iler bfcafcesmen counsel endeavors fco make Toutonic children morc in love with their fatherland. Ilowcver, more tlian 100,000 last ycar preferred to go to a fartherland. Kussia—All her soldiers in Asia are suppoeed to talk French. ller Bentries in challenging invariably say Qni va (Khiva) la. Italy.—The Pope will not lcave Rome so long as he has iorcign repreBcntativcs aboufc him who will cnablc him to communicatc with thc Catholic-world outside. lle evidcntly does not want King3 r ictor as his Postmasfcer. The Italian King wants peaee with mother ehiueh and to make her own him, but thc lloly Fafcher says, no mac.caro»i. S.pain wants to bring about the restoration of Gibraltar, and sings, "Rock of agcs cleft for me.' 1 The United Statcs of Ameiiea w r ant to be annexed to fche Sandwich islands.