Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 Pepeluali 1873 — PROSPECTUS-THE "NUHOU." [ARTICLE]
rpillvunder-signeijpropose3 to est;iivlisH in thc city i ot' ilouulalu }i 8i k iui-weekly papcr, uame.l tho ijhou, whioh shall cspeai;illy ;i(lvocatc thc mriteml iuterestis of ihia ftrchipeJago. - . I ap*preoiate that nviterial interests involve to a ihiportaut extent moral welfare, anil believc that a e(»uilition when pl;uitations ainl ranchea arc out of d'jbt an(l prospcring, nnd* laborers are rcceiving a iji.i?h ratc of wages is calcuUtcHl to proraote incri'.'isc ot viftuc, goovl ordcr, anel happiness. 'i'he hio*! esscntial prerequisite to our prospcrity is a i'ieemarket tor our pro(lucc in the Uniteil Statcs ; ainl this paper will eiidcavor to promote thiā iuost vital acquisition, by any and cvery measurc, ■\vhich ean be lawfully carricd into etlect. I shall writc without fear or favor, and I will say that tiiy,chief object iu cstablishin:g thc Nuiiou is io liml a frce cxpressr©n for myself and others iu rc>spcct to important puhlie questions ; and that I do not propose to enter into it ās a inere business enter- . prise. If it will pay expenses, I shall be well eontent to givc rny ~time gratuitously to promotc some iinprovcMient iu the puhlie welfare. 1 J3at let mo nofc assunie to be a disinterestcd puhlie bpnei'actor, inasmuch as I propose my own ultimatc ndv.Mnt.Afre bj r the enterprise. 1 ain like riearly all laudli.oid.ers iu tlie island.->, " land poor ;" and wouKl l>c glad tcrseil out for a grc;tt reduction on thc cost of niy cstate. Sonie plantcrs say they would sell out t«>r twenty-live pcr cent. on the cost of their plantalion:s ; but as tliey cannot do that even, it only i'«. , nn!iis for iiB to i.wko the bcst of our situation, rnid strivc for that prospcrous, paying coudition, wiiie-h we scc is possib]e, through unaniniity of opinion aud Mction, and whieli may be brought about by a grciiter t'recdorn ,of discussion than we have had. Thc intcrcsts of all, of foreigner and native, arc thc sam.e ; :nid be their nuaibers largc or small, whcther fiitv or only live thousand, I asscrt, as 1 h ivc done before, thc sovcreignty of this people, and. their right upon proper occasions to dccide upon' their polilieal conditiou. Thcy have just decided to e!cot a beiovcd chief as King, and I shall continuc j evot!on to Mis Iloyal Person. ĪMMI(iRATI()X will re3civc that pi'oininenee of n tteution wliieh its importancc commands. It will involvc a discussio!i of r:ices, and of ethnic an<l i . philol 1 questions, with a view to acquire stocks v iiot nicrely adaptcd to the needs of labor, but such-i as will rnect thc requircincnts of Hawaii to rcpcoplc hcr territory. i I'HK fiA 1»<)M QUESTION of the cou-ntry will bc dis''ussed in jiccordance with views inspired by our, i rupiir,il con.ditions. ■■■ I nppreoiate that thc nizcd poiilie-il independence of llavva : i, and her weil (»rganized constirutional order, permit her to regolate heu labor system, and other internal questions, in consonancc with the views of her owu enlight(. i ninent aud statesmanship. AGlUri;[/rURE and the PLAXTL\G, GRAZL\G, and oilier interests of the soil will be discussed with a view io awaken iucreased interest and activity in thc»3e p;ir;iniouiit indiistries of thc countrv. ('OMMEEUE will, of coursc, receive that largc share of attention, whieh our position as a maritime sta!e shou!d warrant ; aud it will be an aiui of this pafier to aid in -buildiug up our admirable port as the i]mporiiain of the Pacific. LLTHRA'n;m:, ART AXD I will be discussed in■ order to show iortli and encourage Ilaprogres« iii.lhesc grcat branches of hunian t}iong!it and culture. It is certainly the case, that there arc enough of uew*papers in these isbinds as purveyors of news and litcraturc, to meet tbe wants of our small popu- ; tiou, and thcrc is no occasion for another one as a niere mv>\>papcr. Ido not proposc to establish a pcrmauent, jourual. I havc never engaged iu the dutied of aii cditor or a publisher. J>ut I want to issuc a papcr for a time, whieh ean discuss public mattcrs souswhat inorc freely than ofticial or busi-' ncss journals may dare to do. This does not me;in that 1 wish to itidulge in the sensation of mere scurrility. The farthqst froui it possible. I ahall meet no min's argumcnt witli--an attack upon liis pcrson ; nor attempt to disprovc his views by trying to provc i that he eoneeak a wooden leg. j l pi opost' a subseriptioii of two dollars for oiio! quartor of 2i» tiiuubers of ihe Nnior, or eight dol-! la.- jier annnm. r [ I have adnp[ed th<- (iih' Ni nor t ns being a lamil-! iar. loeal name, and an expression in such trēquent uKo amoug tlu> naiivt*s. 11 is my purposc to publi M,i |» t.i , ioiial addro: :-es, in thc na?ive • < r ". W u.H K M. !