Nuhou, Volume I, Number 1, 25 Pepeluali 1873 — ALOHA. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Witlv our salutalioxi 7 we beg to apologize for* intriuling our ihoughts upon the quietof these isles. We nursed theni 011 the hills and in the valleys of Imnai, as we tended our sheep, lill they heeame a burthen ; ai>d so in the " naughtiness of o_ur heart, n like I)avid, we have left our floeks to eome to take a part in the battle of life. We tired of watching thosē ruminant nibblers of herbage, and wanted to go and herd men, or at any rato herd with them. We did not feel sure tliat we had mueh that was wise to say; but we: felt sure of our earnestness to work for the eonimon good of this archipelago, and assist i|i making it a happy and prosperous country. Our first thought in coniing liere was to discuss the waiit of more people, and it is still our chief pūrpose; for eome wliat change there iiiay, there is tlic ever present need of more men, women and ohildren to liven up tliis decaying land. We also sce tlie need of many measuros, and niore especially of aii active .policy to promote the welfare ol tliese is!ands; therelbre we have sought this method to say our say, and we mean to say it sincerely aiid lionestly fo£ llie puhlie good. We have not tlie prospect of either piliee or job, and we ean afford to speak the truth, hut we sliall speak it prudentiy. It is said that we have a thinskinned community to deal w>t-h ; therefore we shall take pains not to abrade too harshly its tender cuticle. This is. a venture with untried liands; and perliaps a cynic looking 011 mav say T u Bhepherd thou att in a parlous state," .but we trust to mueh good i>ature and generous spirit, often shown by tlie sojourners in these isles, sothat we shall indulge in some hope of a kindly aid and cblnfort in our new editorial work; and as we lav aside the cix)ok and tiike in hand the pen to write our Nuhou, we say onee more, Aloha.