Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 12, 1 December 2023 — SEARCH [ARTICLE]
KAHANAI-POMAIKAI - Reunion slated for March 2024. Still working on date & location. Suggestions are welcomed. Contact Walter Kahanaoi 808-330-2188 or Jeanne Kahanaoi 808-354-7365. KIPI-KAHELE - 'Ohana o Katherine Kaahea to Samuel Kipi and William Kahele: Reunion April 6. 2024. Site pending. Talk story, talents. games, pot-luck. Call Aldora Kahele (808) 782-9359, Airleen Lucero (808) 853-8503, or Kapua Kahele (808) 940-1413. PUKANA 0 KANIALAMA - family reunion July 12-14, 2024, in Hilo. Descendants of Kinikahikiainoa and Pooui Pahane, Kanialama and Kaohuaino (their 3 keiki Keali'ikua'aina, Kaniakaio and Pooui), Kai'anui and Nakahili (parents of Pooui Pahane), Kelupaka Kona and Pila Kauahiokona (parents of Kai'anui). Main branches from the previous mentioned are Kahanu, Gooman, Long, Kona, Kai'anui. Please send contact information or questions to pukanahilo@gmail.com WOOLSEY - The descendants of William G Woolsey and Eliza K Pemberton are planning a family reunion on July 25-28, 2024, at One Ali'i Park, Moloka'i, Hawai'i. We will talk story, have music, games, enjoy eaeh other's company and have genealogy updates during the reunion. Camping is allowed for a small fee. For more information, please visit our website at www.ohanawoolsey.com, contact Alisha by text or phone at (808) 658-5658 or email ohanawoolsey@gmail.com. ■