Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 12, 1 December 2023 — 'Ōiwi Tourism Leaders Gather at Ka Huina Conference [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
'Ōiwi Tourism Leaders Gather at Ka Huina Conference
Hie Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association's (NūHHA) annual conference event, Kū Huina, mūde its return to the Howoi'i Convention Center in October ofter being held virtuolly for the post two yeors. "Ko Huino is convened with the intent thot our ponel discussions ollow for 'sofe spoce' leorning with thought-provoking conversotions bosed in o Howoiion world view. We ore hopeful thot Ko Huino 2023 will inspire our decision-mokers in tourism to hold fost to the intersections where culture ond innovotion meet so thot we eon continue to pivot the wo'o into the direction of regenerotion for the betterment of oll Howoi'i," soid NoHHA Executive Director Mōlio Sonders. In cose you missed it, recordings of oll of the event's insightful ponel discussions ond inspirotionol speciolty speokers eon be found on their website ot www.nohho.eom/ kohuino. NoHHA is on Office of Howoiion Affoirs grontee. - Courtesy Photo