Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2023 — Counting our Blessings [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Counting our Blessings

Aloha mai kākou! In this season of gratitude, it is more vital than ever for us to eome together and count our blessings, especially as we focus our attention on the Lahaina wildfire disaster that has deeply affected our state. I am profoundly thankful to Ke Akua for the love and support that has poured in from all around the world, directing their attention to the tragedy that befell Maui on that fate-

ful day. We continue to send our prayers, positive energy, and unwavering support to all those whose lives have been forever altered as they embark on a new path toward recovery. As I enter my third year as trustee, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to the people of Hawai'i who entrusted me with the role of serving as their Moloka'i-Lāna'i representative in 2020. These past years have been challenging,

marked by the pandemic that disrupted our daily lives. Now, in 2023, with the pandemic ofRcially behind us, I realized the need for swift action. I initiated a series of informal meetings with the kūpuna of my Moloka'i community, where I shared the purpose and function of the OfRce of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). It heeame clear that many were unaware of OHA's role as a grant provider and advocate for our lāhui, covering areas such as housing, healthcare, education, employment, and eeonomie stability. Furthermore, I discovered a laek of knowledge in grant writing, a critical skill for individuals seeking financial support for essential needs like roof repairs or wheelchair ramps. To address this, I've been working on the implementation of Grant Writing Workshops for our beneficiaries in dire need of support. This endeavor required time and coordination, but I am thankful for the support from our administration. Onee workshop details are available they

will be posted on OHA's website. This past July, I had the privilege of hosting my annual Board of Trustees meeting on Moloka'i. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to my trustee aide, Pohai Ryan, a Moloka'i native who played a crucial role in coordinating activities and meals for our administration and Trustees. The community meeting at Lanikeha in Ho'olehua was a re-

sounding success, with a delicious dinner for island beneficiaries and an opportunity for them to share their mana'o with trustees. We are currently in the process of selecting a new CEO for OHA. I pray that our board chooses a qualified leader with innovative ideas and strong leadership skills to guide our organization towards optimal functionality. OHA deserves a dynamic CEO with a vision for positive and productive progress.

Throughout the year, I have been fortunate to attend_ various activities. Among these, the 'Oo Awards, whieh recognizes outstanding Hawaiian members of our community, stands out as a personal highlight. It was a joy to share the evening with my 89-year-old mother, who faced heahh challenges and had been homebound for the past two years. I am immensely grateful for her thriving heahh and the opportunity to treat her to a fantastic evening at the 'Oo Awards. As we settle into the holiday season, reflecting on the things for whieh we are grateful, I am thankful for the blessings and opportunities in my life. I cherish my family, my heahh, my friends, and the privilege of serving as your OHA Trustee. Mahalo Ke Akua, and may you all have a blessed holiday season filled whh gratitude. For those wishing to schedule appointments whh me at the Moloka'i office, please contact Pohai Ryan at: pohair@oha.org. A hui hou! ■

Luana Alapa Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i

Trustee Alapa and her mother, Kouono Pukohi, ot the 2023 'Ō'ō Awords. - Courtesy Photo