Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 11, 1 November 2023 — DHHL breaks ground on Hanapēpē Phase II [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
DHHL breaks ground on Hanapēpē Phase II
īhe development will add 82 residential lots to the area
By Diamond Badajos The Department of H a w a i i a n Home Lands (DHHL) conducted a groundbreaking ceremony in August to mark
the start of construction at Hanapēpē Phase II on Kaua'i's west side. Eighty-two single-family residential lots will be developed across more than 28 acres as part of Phase II. The homestead's existing subdivision, Phase I, consists of 47 residential lots. Both phases are part of a nearly 350acre parcel identified as one of three priority areas for new residential and agricultural homestead developments on the Garden Isle. "This project ensures that more of our 'ohana will weave their stories into the tapestry of this cherished eommunity," said Hawaiian Homes Commission Chair Kali Watson. "Eaeh plot of land here is not merely a pieee of earth; it's a testament to hope, growth, and a brighter future for our homesteading families. As families settle here, they don't just receive a house; they heeome part of a home brimming with laughter, love, and memories that will stand the test of time." The Hawai'i State Legislature appropriated $17,800,126 through SLH 2022, Act 279 for the construction of inffastructure and site improvements at Hanapēpē Phase II. Act 279 appropriates $600 million in general funds to provide a multi-pronged approach to reduce the DHHL Waiting List. Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company will begin work on the project in September and is slated to eomplete the job in November 2024. "We commend the Hawai'i State Legislature and DHHL for investing in West Kaua'i, whieh will ultimately provide hundreds of homes for families," said Mayor Derek S.K. Kawaka-
mi. "Housing is a top priority for our administration, and we remain on track to break ground on 400 new affordable housing units this year, including development on the Westside at Lima Ola in 'Ele'ele." The Hanapēpē homestead eommunity is envisioned as the Department's largest residential and agricultural community on Kaua'i. The site includes some of the most fertile agricultural lands within DHHL's holdings and its location near Hanapēpē town makes it an attractive location for homestead development. Upon the proposed project's eompletion, the Hanapēpē homestead eommunity will put forward a total of 440 new residential lots and up to 111 new subsistence agricultural lots (based on
waiting list preference and estimated development costs). Commercial and community spaces, as well as undeveloped and conservation lands, are also included in the master plan. ■ Diamond Badajos is the information and community relations officerfor the Department ofHawaiian Home Lands
L-R: Len Dempsey (Hnwniinn Dredging Construction Compony), Cloudine Allen (HUD Honolulu), Dono Hazelton (Gov. Green Kouo'i Representotive), Choir Koli Wotson (Howoiion Homes Commission) Rep. Dee Morikowo (House District 1/), Kouo'i Commissioner Dennis Neves (Howoiion Homes Commission) ot the groundbreoking ceremony. - Courtesy Photo