Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 10, 1 October 2023 — CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: 34 RAINBOW DRIVE REHABILITATION AND MASTER PLAN [ARTICLE]
On behalf of County of Hawai'i, Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD), ASM Affiliates is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment to inform a HRS Chapter 343 Environmental Assessment being prepared for the 34 Rainbow Drive Rehabilitation and Master Plan. The roughly 25-acre project area includes the former Hilo Memorial Hospital building located on Tax Map Key parcel (3) 2-3-026:008, Pi'ihonua Ahupua'a, South Hilo District, Island of Hawai'i. The property is situated between Rainbow Drive and Wailuku River and is located helow Rainbow Falls and above Gilbert Carvalho Park. With the former hospital building in use and its roof replacement under design, the County is now working with a consultant to develop a master plan for the area surrounding the former hospital building. The OHCD is currently considering developing a range of housing typologies, including affordable housing, and other government or supportive services in the area surrounding the former hospital building. As part of the Cultural Impact Assessment, ASM is seeking kamaaina familiar with the area's cultural resources, customs, and practices. We also seek input regarding strategies to prevent or mitigate impacts on culturally valued resources or traditional customary practices. If you know of such information, contact Lokelani Brandt, lbrandt@asmaffiliates.com, phone (808) 969-6066 by October 20th, 2023. Your kōkua in identifying any such practices and resources are greatly appreciated.
KA PA'AKAI ANALYSES: LAHAINA AQUIFER SECTOR On behalf of the County of Maui Department of Water Supply (DWS), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) is conducting Ka Pa'akai Analyses in support of water use permit applications for Maui DWS proposed water sources in the Lahaina Aquifer Sector. The DWS plans to prepare water use permit applications for additional use ffom existing DWS wells and Honokōhau Stream, as well as proposed water sources in the Honolua aquifer, the Honokōwai aquifer, and the Launiupoko aquifer. As water use within the Lahaina Aquifer Sector has the potential to affect traditional and customary Native Hawaiian rights and practices, a required part of the water use permit application is the preparation of a Ka Pa'akai Analysis. We are seeking your kōkua in identifying kamaaina, kūpuna, and other individuals who might be willing to share their cultural knowledge concerning: The cultural, historieal, and natural resources of value to Native Hawaiians located within the water use permit areas; the extent to whieh traditional and customary Native Hawaiian rights are exercised in the areas; information on present and past water use in the permit areas; the plaee names and cultural traditions associated with the permit areas; the extent to whieh traditional and customary Native Hawaiian rights and resources could be affected by the proposed new water sources; and any other concerns the community might have related to cultural practices within or in the vicinity of the permit areas. Please contact us at Wainani.Traub@swca.com or by phone at (808) 646-6309 or at Tamara. Luthy@swca.com or by phone at (808) 8923432. ■