Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2023 — Ka'au Hua, Ka'au Ola [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka'au Hua, Ka'au Ola


Na Keanokualani Perreira, Papa 12, Ke Kula 'ū Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u C \ u^ea ou^ou' e / \ nā aloha 'ōlelo Ā. \.c kani ha'aheo ai ka leo o ka aina,

Eia au 'o Keanokualani Perreira, he haumāna papa 'umikūmālua ma Ke Kula 'O Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u. "Ka'au Hua, Ka'au Ola." He mākia nō ia e ho'okele ana i ka papahana aukahi o kēia makahiki kula, i mea e ho'omana'o 'ia ai nā hana a pau i hana 'ia a i māhuahua pono ai ka papahana olelo Hawai'i, a i ola ai ho'i ka olelo laupa'i o ka aina. Pili ia mākia i ka ho'omana'o 'ana i ka piha makahiki 40 o ka 'Aha Pūnana Leo a me nā mea a pau e pili pū ana i ke ola 'oia'i'o 'ana o ka olelo Hawai'i, he olelo ola o ka aina i kēia lā. Ma ka ho'omana'o 'ana i ka nui o ke kūpa'a a me ka paio 'ana i mea e hō'ea mai ai i ka hua o kēia lā, ua mohala mai he papahana ho'omāhuahua kuana'ike Hawai'i 'o Kīpuka Mo'olelo. Ua hua mai 'o Kīpuka Mo'olelo me ka mana'o e lilo ia papahana he ala e ho'ona'auao hou 'ia ai ke kanaka ma ke kuana'ike Hawai'i ma ka olelo Hawai'i. He 10 pūka'ina 'oko'a o ke kumuhana i pa'i wikiō 'ia nā kumuhana e pili ana i ka 'oihana po'okumu, ke kuana'ike olelo, nā mele oli, ke aloha aina, ka ho'omākaukau kumu, a pēlā wale aku. Mai loko mai o ka hana 'ana ma ia pāhana i nui ai nā ha'awina i 'ike 'ia. 'O ka ho'olālā 'oe, 'o ka ho'oka'a'ike 'oe, 'o ka mālama 'enehana 'oe, a keu aku ho'i ka waiwai o ka ho'ohana 'ana i ka olelo Hawai'i piha ma nā pō'aiapili e ma'a 'ole ai ka nui lehulehu. 'O ka olelo kā kākou ali'i, a i mea ho'i e ola ai kēia ali'i a kākou, he kūpono ke

olelo 'ia, ke ho'ohana 'ia, a ke ho'olaha 'ia. I loko o kēia ho'oulu 'ana i ke kuana'ike Hawai'i, eia ke ho'omana'o aku nei i ka welo mau o nā hana o ke ka'au makahiki i hala iho nei no nā ka'au he lehulehu e hiki mai ana. ■ My name is Keanokualani Perreira, and I am a senior at Ke Kula 'O Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u. The theme of this school year, "Ka'au Hua, Ka'au Ola" demonstrates the importance of recognizing all of the past work that was done to revitalize the Hawaiian language and its programs. This theme also recognizes the 'Aha Pūnana Leo and its celebration of 40 years of Hawaiian language revitalization. As a means to recognize the intentions behind the work that started 40 years ago, Kīpuka Mo'olelo was created: a Hawaiian language videography production project to cultivate the Hawaiian perspective. Kīpuka Mo'olelo heeame an opportunity to educate and support the growth of our people in the Hawaiian language. This program consists of 10 episodes that speak about different subjects such as being a principal or an educator, language perspectives, chants, patriotism, teacher development, and more. A few of the skills that we were able to strengthen and learn about were planning, eommunicating, using and caring for equipment, and applying the language in different settings. Our language is our value, however, it will not flourish and will not grow if it's not utilized or spoken. In this perpetual growth of our perspective and language, the dedication of our ancestors to perpetuate our values will be recognized and cultivated as evidenced in the past 40 years and in subsequent generations. ■

Students ut Ke Kula 'O Nūwuhīokuluni'ōpu'u creuted "Kīpuko Mo'olelo," o Howoiion longuoge videogrophy production project os o woy to cultivote the Howoiion perspective behind longuoge revitolizotion ond to educote ond support its growth. - Courtesy Photo